Manufacturer Link: <Click Here>
Model: HtoAULC002001
Daily: $25.00
Weekly: $100.00
Monthly: $250.00
Additional Information
- HometoAuto Lift Table Cart
- Lift Capacity: 150 pounds
- Load Platform Size: 32 inches x 24 inches
- Dimensions: 39” long x 25” wide x 40” high
- Weight: 82 lb.
- Electrical Supply: 24V battery (BATTERY POWER IS FOR LIFT ONLY - CART IS PUSH)
- Who is it for?
- Anyone who needs to move things
- Apartment buildings and HOAs
- Business owners’ moving needs
- At Home, For Business, Or Outdoors
- Automatic Braking System
- Battery-Powered Lift
- Sides Drop For Loading
- Goes Over Rough Terrain
- Sharp Turns Made Easy
* Prices are subject to change. Tax and other fees are not shown in this price estimate. Not all equipment is available at every store - please call to check availability.
* Please call us with any questions on our cart battery lift table 150lb max rentals in Seattle WA, including Lake City, Greenlake, and Shoreline WA.